Petrecere de Revelion la Naive


Acces: Cu plata

Contact our team at 0725 550 333 to secure your spot. We'll see you on the 5th-6th floor, "Magazinul Bucuresti" I.C. Bratianu 36.

In a world not so far from here, where stars danced in the night sky, there was a place called "Naive." It was no ordinary place, for it was a portal to the celestial. This New Year's Eve, they beckon you to join them in their cosmic celebration, "Lunar Luminance."

As the clock strikes midnight, you'll find yourself beneath a sky painted with a thousand stars. The night will be a tapestry of indulgence, music, and a countdown synchronized with the heavens. It's a New Year's Eve party unlike any other, one that radiates with lunar luminance.

What's on the menu for your celestial journey? Food that transcends earthly flavors, heart-pounding entertainment, and the rhythmic beats of a live DJ that'll transport you to otherworldly dimensions.

And when the clock's hands unite at midnight, a champagne supernova will light up the night. Your view? Absolutely breathtaking.


The entrance fee for the party is 1200 lei per person, and this amount is split as follows:

Half the price, which is 600 lei, covers the cost of our delicious buffet specially prepared for you. You'll have the opportunity to enjoy the finest dishes throughout the evening.

The other half, 600 lei, is for the drinks you'll select from our menu. To make everything easier for you and to provide a personalized experience, please let us know in advance which type of bottles you'd like to have ready on your table.